What a Dental Sleep Specialist Can Do for You
In the past, you needed to spend the night in a special sleep clinic to diagnose and treat problems like sleep apnea and snoring. However, now you can find help for these disorders, along with teeth grinding, by visiting a dental sleep specialist.
Our experienced dentists at The Dental Touch in Oakland, California, proudly offer a wide range of dental services, including those that improve your sleep. Here s what you can expect when you schedule a dental sleep consultation.
Why sleep dentistry
More than 100 million Americans don’t get enough sleep, and approximately 70 million of them have a sleep disorder. Of those individuals, an estimated 22 million have sleep apnea.
When you have sleep apnea, you stop breathing periodically throughout the night. Unfortunately, this causes your blood oxygen level to drop, interfering with your ability to get a restorative night's rest. Over time, it also puts your overall health at risk.
There are several types of sleep apnea, but the most common occurs when soft tissue at the back of your throat collapses, closing your airway. Known as obstructive sleep apnea, 80% of moderate to severe cases remain undiagnosed.
Fortunately, sleep dentistry is a specialized field of practice that focuses on diagnosing and treating sleep-disordered breathing, whether you snore or have obstructive sleep apnea.
How sleep dentists diagnose sleep issues
The problem with sleep apnea is that the most obvious symptoms occur while you’re sleeping, like loud snoring or gasping for air. It’s easy to miss these clues unless someone else observes them. However, there are additional signs that can indicate a sleep problem, such as:
- Waking with a dry mouth or headache
- Excessive sleepiness during the day
- Lack of energy
- Difficulty paying attention or concentrating
- Irritability or mood swings
- Problems staying asleep
- Sexual dysfunction
If this sounds familiar, our team can help confirm a problem in the comfort of your own home. And the best part? It can also measure teeth grinding along with your snoring and apneas - or pauses in breathing. To do this, you simply use our STATDDS Bruxism and Sleep Monitor.
This small home sleep device system can safely monitor patients of all ages, including children as young as 24 months. And, not only can you take the test in your own bed, your dentist can have your results the very next day so you can start treatment as quickly as possible.
How a sleep dentist can help
After diagnosing your sleep condition, we can help create a personalized treatment strategy. In most cases, this involves a custom-made oral appliance designed to gently shift your jaw into a forward position. But don't worry - you only wear it while you sleep.
Changing your jaw position while you sleep prevents soft tissue from collapsing in your throat, which, in turn, keeps your airway open. The result? Less snoring and more restorative sleep. Plus, unlike traditional sleep apnea treatments, like CPAP machines, an oral device is more comfortable, portable, and protects your teeth from grinding.
If you feel like you're missing out on a good night's sleep, don't wait to visit a dental sleep specialist. It's never been easier to find a diagnosis and treatment for a sleep disorder.
To learn more about what a dental sleep specialist can do for you, contact The Dental Touch Oakland to schedule a consultation by calling 510-328-7799 or booking an appointment online today.