Teeth Whitening in Oakland CA
As we age, our teeth lose the brilliant whiteness that implies good dental health and youth. The unsightly stains associated with tobacco, dark liquids, and other factors can leave us feeling less than confident about our smiles. Fortunately, there is a simple solution to this dental problem: cosmetic tooth whitening. Our practice provides convenient, take-home tooth-whitening products that are clinically shown to improve the visual impact of your teeth. Please see other sections of our website, specifically the FAQ's page, for more information regarding whitening.
Take Home Tooth Whitening
These kits contain a customized tray that is made from custom molds of your teeth and prescription whitening gel. The patient usually wears the trays and gel once per day for approximately two weeks until their teeth have reached the desired shade. The patient may need or desire continued treatment.
Is whitening safe?
Yes. Extensive research and clinical studies indicate that whitening teeth under the supervision of a dentist is safe. It is not recommended to children under the age of 13 years of age and pregnant or lactating women.
How long do the results last?
To keep your teeth looking their best, we recommend flossing and brushing twice daily along with regular professional cleanings. Occasional touch ups with refill syringes will help keep your teeth their brightest. These can be purchased at the office. It should be noted that tooth whitening treatments have no effect on the artificial materials used for bonds, fillings, veneers, crowned teeth, etc.
Are there any side effects?
Sensitivity during the treatment may occur with some patients. Your dentist may recommend the application of a fluoride gel, fluoride mouthwash, and/or toothpaste designed to relieve sensitivity after the procedure to relieve the symptoms.
Take your first step to feeling good, looking great and making a memorable impression every time you smile. You owe it to yourself! Call our office today to schedule your bleaching consultation! A cleaning is always recommended prior to whitening.